Community transmission and viral load kinetics of the SARS-CoV-2 delta (B.1.617.2) variant in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in the UK: a prospective, longitudinal, cohort study.

This study shows that vaccination alone will not curb the tranmission of Covid-19.  Maybe it is time to look elsewhere?



Vaccination reduces the risk of delta variant infection and accelerates viral clearance. Nonetheless, fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have peak viral load similar to unvaccinated cases and can efficiently transmit infection in household settings, including to fully vaccinated contacts. Host–virus interactions early in infection may shape the entire viral trajectory.


While the primary aim of vaccination is to protect individuals against severe COVID-19 disease and its consequences, the extent to which vaccines reduce onward transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is key to containing the pandemic. This outcome depends on the ability of vaccines to protect against infection and the extent to which vaccination reduces the infectiousness of breakthrough infections.
Our findings help to explain how and why the delta variant is being transmitted so effectively in populations with high vaccine coverage. Although current vaccines remain effective at preventing severe disease and deaths from COVID-19, our findings suggest that vaccination alone is not sufficient to prevent all transmission of the delta variant in the household setting, where exposure is close and prolonged.