From lauded to reviled
New Zealand remains among the few nations still on a ‘zero Covid strategy’ to stamp out the virus Editor's Note: This was written in September 2021 During the pandemic’s early months, global health experts lauded the same strategy as New Zealand reported some of the...
Politician Heroes
These are the Guys we look up to.
Still looking
Still looking
Still looking
Still looking
Politicians Rogues Gallery
Some of the Members of Parliament have forgotten that we have a parliamentary democracy. They call it the House of Representatives. That means the moment they get elected by us, they are there to represent us, not themselves. The current government appear to almost all be career politicans with a desire to implement what they want, their ideas, their morals, their ideologies. They have forgotten that they are there to implement what the electorate wants. That is how a democracy works.
Jacinda Ardern
Prime Minister
Divided New Zealand like never before.
Andrew Little
Minister of Health
Nowhere to be seen.
Chris Hipkins
Minister for COVID-19 Response
Looks like, and effective as your kid brother.
Manaia Mahuta
Minister of Local Government
Running the rear guard action to change New Zealand forever using the smokescreen of the Covid-19 pandemic.
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